OKE's Open House
We hope you can join us for this fun event!
Thursday, November 10th
Classroom visits 5:00-6:30 pm
Book Fair is open 8:00 am - 3:30 pm and 4:30-7:00 pm in library
KISD policy allows for two classroom parties per year. Our two parties in the Outback are our Thankful and Valentine’s parties. These parties are planned and organized by the PTA homeroom mothers/fathers who work coperatively with grade level teachers and administration. Homeroom teachers have complete authority to determine which types of activities are acceptable and which are not acceptable. The PTA has a practice with coordinating party favors and refreshments so that all children are treated fairly on a grade level. Parents need to notify their child’s teacher if he/she has any food allergies (i.e. peanuts, dairy, etc.)
Boosterthon Pledges due tomorrow, November 10th.
Returning Student Update in InfoSnap
If you have not gone into InfoSnap and completed the returning student update information, please do so immediately. Katy ISD requires all students to complete the “Returning Student
Registration” update in InfoSnap. This replaced the first day packets.
Completion of InfoSnap was due by the first day of school. You received an email yesterday if you have not completed this process. This is vitally important
as it confirms your student(s) contact and emergency information. We appreciate
your assistance with completing this process.

Calling all students, parents and OKE community members to come out and run/walk with Kilpatrick teachers at the Katy Half Marathon and 5k, 1K on February 4th at nearby Katy Mills Mall. This is a great opportunity for families looking to do a service project together that benefits Katy ISD teachers and students. You can set up a web page (totally guided via the Reason2Race link), collect funds from family and friends, and then join your fellow OKE teachers to run or walk the race that is the best fit for you on race day. Let’s come together to support our teachers and students!
The mission of the Foundation is to provide resources to enrich teaching, inspire learning, and enhance opportunities for students enrolled in Katy ISD. All donations go to fund grants for Katy ISD teachers to support and inspire student learning. Since 2013, the Foundation has awarded $725, 000 in grants to teachers at campuses throughout Katy ISD.
If you want to support your OKE staff members and students who are running, look for collection jugs at Open House this week.
Thank you and please consider helping us inspire OKE students!
If you have questions please contact Jennifer Montesanto at jennifermontesanto@katyisd.org.

4th Grade
Musical, “Dig It!”
November 17th
9:30 am, 2:00 pm, and 6:00 pm
(Public Events)
Field Day is Coming!
Gifted and Talented (GT)
Screening Information
Kinder- GT screening is underway. Final placement notices will be mailed home via US mail the last week in February.
Grades 1-4- GT parent checklists are due by 4:00 pm Friday, December 9th. No late checklists will be accepted. You can find the parent checklist on this blog under the helpful tips tab.
Grade 5- GT screening is underway. Final placement notices will be mailed home via US mail the end of January, prior to Junior High course selection.
Registration Form located on the right side of the blog under the helpful tips tab.
All OKE Library Volunteers are invited to our
Library Volunteer Mingle & Jingle!
Join us for some holiday cheer,
For Winter Break is very near!
OKE Library
Friday, 12/9/16
9:00-10:00 AM