Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Vehicles will stack along Cinco Ranch Blvd. (in front of the school only) and wrap up Gaston Road along the Northeast side of the school as it did last year. 

Although there is a second lane in our front driveway, this lane will be closed during the pick-up and drop-off times in order to ensure the safety of our students, staff and other vehicles. The second lane is designated for emergency vehicles and patrons who have school business at our campus. The actual pick-up and drop-off procedure for students remains the same. In the right lane, we will continue to maintain the same single file line and stopping point at the first orange cone for student pick-up and drop-off. Vehicles may pull in the drive in a single file line for arrival and dismissal.

For the duration of pick-up and drop-off times, we also request that you not park in the staff and bus parking lots. If you have official business with the campus that requires you to enter the building for a period of time, an exception may be made. These procedures are in order to continue to provide a safe environment surrounding our students, campus, and community and comply with county requests.

We will continue to have four stations for walkers to exit the building at dismissal. There will be East, West, Back, and Highland Express walker stations. Walkers will be dismissed from one of these areas depending on which side of the school they reside. We also have three bike stations. They are referred to as Back Biker, Highland Express Biker, and West Biker. Two are located on the west side and one on the east side of the school.

Your children may arrive at school at 8:00 a.m. There will not be supervision prior to this time. If you choose to bring your child prior to 8:00 a.m., you will need to wait outside with him or her until teachers are on duty. Students may enter the building at 8:00 a.m. and will wait in the gym until going to their classrooms at 8:05 a.m. Teachers will greet their students at their classroom door each morning at 8:05 a.m.

Please be proactive to help ensure the safety of our children walking or riding bicycles to school. Be reminded that our school zone is a “No Phone Zone.” Wait to text, read texts or talk until it is safe. Please respect our Crossing Guards. They have the legal authority to direct traffic. We ask for your patience while waiting in car lines to drop-off and pick-up your children. We will work very diligently to expedite arrival and dismissal in a timely fashion, but safety of the children will always come first. Please respect our teachers on duty; they are there to help. Our number one goal is to assist your children while keeping them safe.Thank you for continuing to make our campus
a model for safety and support in the District. 


OKE Administration