Our Library’s Spring Book Fair is coming soon! The Spring Book Fair will take place beginning Monday 2/27/17 through Thursday 3/2/17 in the library.
Book Fair Hours:
- Monday 2/27: 8:00 AM*-3:30 PM
- Tuesday 2/28: 8:00 AM*-3:30 PM
- Wednesday 3/1: 8:00 AM*-3:30 PM
- Thursday 3/2: 8:00 AM*-3:30 PM and 4:30 PM-7:00 PM (during Family Art & Science Night)
*Only students accompanied by parents may shop in the Book Fair from 8:00 -8:30 A.M. each morning. The Book Fair is open to students shopping independently after the morning announcements each day.
Be sure to look for Teacher Wish Lists at the Fair. These are books that our teachers would like for their classrooms. Our special Book Fairy will deliver any Wish List books purchased during the Fair to your child's teacher!
Proceeds from past Book Fairs have been used to purchase books, fund author/illustrator visits, fund reading incentive programs, purchase library furniture, instructional materials, and technology.
Thank you for supporting the OKE Library!
Course Verification sheets are going home to 5th
grade students on Wednesday March 1st in Wednesday folders. Please
review the courses your student has requested, make any changes, and sign the
bottom of the form. All Course Verification Forms are due back to your child’s
teacher no later than Friday March 3.
Bonzer Bash Basket Donations
Please look for your classes Bonzer Bash Basket donation letter (yellow form)
coming home this week.
We will be collecting items for the Bonzer Bash Baskets until Wednesday, March 22nd. Baskets will be on display in the library from Monday, April 3rd- Friday, April 7th.
Below is the link to nominate a Volunteer of the Year for OKE. Please submit your nomination by Monday, March 6, 2017. We have lots of wonderful volunteers, so please feel free to submit as many nominations as you would like. We will be announcing our Volunteer of the Year at the Katy ISD VIPS Breakfast Celebration on Friday, May 12, 2017.
Kinder Rodeo
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Friday, May 10. 2017

Dear Parent:
Katy ISD is sharing this information about the district and
your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal No
Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).
Information on these report cards includes:
Part I: Percent Tested and Student Achievement by
Proficiency Level – Provides the State of Texas Assessment of Academic
Readiness (STAAR) performance results and participation for each subject area
and grade level tested.
Participation reports also include reports of the
participation of Children with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) by
assessment type.
Part II: Student Achievement and State Academic Annual
Measurable Objectives (AMOs) – Provides the AMO outcomes and data table of
STAAR performance results for each subject area tested in the accountability
subset. This section also includes participation rates on STAAR for reading/English
and mathematics, use of alternative assessments, plus four-year and five-year
graduation rates.
Part III: Priority and Focus Schools – Priority schools
are the lowest 5% of Title I served campuses based on performance in reading
and mathematics and graduation rates. Focus schools are 10% of Title I served
campuses, not already identified as priority schools, which have the widest
gaps between student group performances and safeguard targets.
Part IV: Teacher Quality Data – Provides information on
teacher quality in three parts.
Part A – Percent of Teachers by Highest Degree Held –
Professional qualifications of all public elementary and secondary teachers in
the Texas.
Part B and C – Teachers with Emergency/Provisional
Credentials, Highly Qualified (HQ) Teachers Low Poverty/Low Poverty Summary
Reports – Percentage of all public elementary and secondary school teachers
teaching with emergency or provisional credentials, and the percentage of
classes in the state not taught by highly qualified teachers disaggregated by
high-poverty compared to low-poverty schools.
Part V: Graduates Enrolled in Texas Institution of Higher
Education (IHE) – Provides the percentage of students who enroll and begin
instruction at an institution of higher education in Texas during the school
year (fall or spring semester) following high school graduation.
Part VI: Statewide National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) Results – Provides most recent NAEP results for Texas
showing reading and mathematics performance results and participation rates,
disaggregated by student group.
If you have difficulty accessing the information from the
website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus
Malynn Rodriguez

OKE 2017 Math Night - Parent Workshop
Monday, December 4, 2017 6:30 -8:00pm
Greg Tang makes sense of new and unfamiliar teaching methods by focusing on three important aspects of effective math instruction: visualization, reasoning and number sense. Parents come away with an instant appreciation of visual models, number bonds, and the work our teachers are doing, and in a stunning turnaround, even the most vocal critics become supportive and interested in learning more.