Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016

Please be proactive to help ensure the safety of our children walking or riding bicycles to school. Be reminded that our school zone is a “No Phone Zone.” Wait to text, read texts or talk until it is safe. Please respect our Crossing Guards. They have the legal authority to direct traffic. We ask for your patience while waiting in car lines to drop-off and pick-up your children. We will work very diligently to expedite arrival and dismissal in a timely fashion, but safety of the children will always come first. Please respect our teachers on duty; they are there to help. Our number one goal is to assist your children while keeping them safe.Thank you for continuing to make our campus a model for safety and support in the District. 

Make up pictures are scheduled for 
Thursday, October 6th.

Order forms are available in the front office.

The character trait for 
October is COURAGE. 
Please wear silver on 
Wednesday, October 5th.